
Wednesday, January 11, 2012


So today I was washing my contacts at the sink just like how I usually do and suddenly, one of my contacts slipped out of my finger and it went right now the sink. Now obviously I would be super scared because I would be blind going to school without them unless I wear my glasses again and a pair of those hard lense contacts cost 200 dollars. That was 200 dollars going down the drain literally right now. I was looking everywhere and my heart was like pounding. I yelled for my dad and he came up and open one of the pipes. At first there was nothing and I was really disappointed because I thought there might've been a chance that it got stuck in one of the pipes. After running water through all of the pipes throughly, the contacts came out of one of the pipes. I was soooo sooo glad I didn't lose them. I gotta be more careful with my contacts next time.


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