
Thursday, December 31, 2015

last day of 2015

It's been a while since I last blogged and I must say that 2015 was really a special year for me. It was my first experience of university and I met a lot of great new people. It was definitely a year where I've tried a lot of new things and had a lot of new firsts. It was also the year that I achieved my goal of having a special promposal to the girl that I admired during high school. It's nearing moments to the countdown and I really need to go for countdown with my grandparents now. Thank you 2015. It was definitely one of the best years of my life. Time to make 2016 even better. Follow through with my new years resolutions and aim high. 2016, Here I come.

Friday, May 29, 2015


HEY EVERYONE. It's been a while since my last post. I guess throughout the past 2 years, I've just been so caught up with school and everything, that I didn't really make an effort to continue blogging. BUT I'M FINALLY DONE WITH IB. WOOOT!!! And the end of this program marks the end of my journey of high school. It's been a nice ride. I met a lot of great and awesome people throughout the way and it's just been a generally amazing experience. I feel like through the 2 years that I've been in the program, I've really grown as a person in both my knowledge of the world, as well as my personality. I guess I'm just a lot more mature and responsible now. I also procrastinate less now.

But this personal growth is not just specific to my 2 years within the IB program, but the entirety of my high school experience. I still remember the 1st day of high school. I was a scared little boy entering such a big school. I was intimidated and scared. There were so many people. I seemed crazy hearing that Churchill would be my home for the next 5 years. Grads of 2015. However, through time, I got used to the change. It is through every single person that I met in high school that got me to where I am today. All the friendships and bonds that were created through this 5 year journey. I thank everyone that has been a part of this journey. And here I am in 2015. Just a few days away from being in my grad ceremony. Time honestly flashed by so quickly. I still can't believe I'm graduating. To believe that I'll never be in high school again. It really scares me. I'm proud of myself and glad that I survived and did things that I thought would be impossible. All the projects, assignments, and exams. I've done it all.

And here I am. 2015. Off to UBC. Here's to another great 4 years that will just zoom by like a fly.