
Sunday, October 21, 2012


holyyyyy. just finished. my. brochure. for. S.S. omggg. we're still not halfway done the S.S. project itself though. and i still have to do my Independent Reading Project.... omg.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


dayum im tired. I just handed in my science proposal today along finishing the PSAT test. Omgggg. Pre-IB pressure is pretty insane. I've been sleeping at like 1 for the past few days and I dont think I could even remember a time that I wasn't tired. anyways i got a socials project to take notes for. Goodness. next week is gonna be one heck of a week. i got 2 science tests and 3 projects.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

3 projectssss

omgggggggg. i have 3 projects due in like a weeek. omgggg. being in pre-IB is pretty dang stressful. and i kinda wasted my Sunday because i fell asleep at around 1 pm and woke up at 4. I was just soo tired from yesterday because i slept at 1 finishing up my book for English. omgggg. soooo stressful. Right now, im trying to think of a Science fair project because the proposals due on wednesday. hmmm what should i do for my project this year.