
Sunday, January 22, 2012


I. got. a. haircut.


I figured I haven't made a haircut blog in quite a while so it's about time I talk about it again. Today I got a haircut from my favourite barber which is some guy named Paul. He usually gives me daaaa best haircuts. Usually. I've had at least a million of bad experiences associated with my hair with different barbers. Sometimes it's like WAYYYY too short. That just kinda sorta changed this year. Usually if I had hair which didn't reach my eyebrows, I would cry over it because that was like wayyy too short for me back then. Sometimes I would put on my hood and like cry in the corner and try the best to like pull my bangs just to make it longer. Obviously it didn't work but it was worth a try.  I don't even know if I look better or worse. It's just like shorter. Alot shorter. At least I don't cry from barbers anymore. I used to be scared of every haircut. The last time I cried from a haircut was like last year. During the first few days of grade 9. Thats embarrassing.


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