
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Homework day

Today was actually the first time I spent the whole day doing homework non-stop with a friend. I invited one of my friends over so we could brainstorm ideas for our pre-IB biography and what we would write. Well that's what we were planning to do. Then we got so carried away with doing other homework we didn't work on the biography till like 2 hours later. It was a pretty good work period though. I managed to finish my math tutor homework and make process into the science homework. Then when I actually had time to do the biography, I made two versions of it because I was out of topic for the first one and the second one I was more in topic but I didn't like it as much and I'm still deciding which one I'm using. I actually enjoyed doing homework for once though. It was kinda fun but I guess it was a bit too slow. Just too many distractions but I'm looking forward to doing this more often in the future. =)


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