
Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I'M MAKING A SONG FOR GABE!!!!!! He made some bet on Mr. Sale's Forums and now he has to make a song. I volunteered to make a song and I specifically asked him what type and what topic. Right now my job is to make a song about rejected love in a sad mood. It's kinda hard because I really don't know the right music for it and what kind of lyrics. I trying to ask people for suggestions.

XDDD Jason gave me some lyrics to the song and it sounds horrible

rejected love
isn't like a dove
it doesn't fly so free
as the night goes to sleep
as the world turns dark
so does my heart
without a doubt
im such a low life trout
whirling thought me head
is the girl i love
for she is the only one for me
and that is all i need
as my heart stood still
i couldn't wait till
you came to my view
and i couldn't wait a while
for you made me smile
but as i gazed into her eyes
it was such a surprise
that you wouldn't want me
and as my body stood still
you left without a trail
and i couldn't find the person i loved so far
but only a broken heart
as i left without a trace
with my life tangled in a race
i couldn't help but think
was this really a trick?
the girl came with a guy
and took his hand by surprise
planted a kiss
that i once wished
Those are the lyrics and if you'd heard me sing it you'd laugh so hard. Credits to Jason for making the lyrics. I really can't find the right song for it. I'm using La Di Da and even if I autotuned my horrible cracky voice it makes me sound even worst. Well Gabe, that's what you have so far for your song. XDDD


avalanche20 said...

I wrote better lyrics by myself, in ten minutes.

Jason said...


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