
Saturday, October 23, 2010

My hair is the same as before...

     OMGGG I LUV MY HAIRCUT RIGHT NOWW!!! Unfortunately, my parents have to ruin it by saying I'll get a haircut next week. My dad and my mom were yelling to me that my hair was the same as before. I was really impressed with my usual barber for the first time. Seeing how great he does pleases me. This is a secret and you have to promise not to tell anyone. Repeat after me. "Cross my heart and hope to die. Poke a needle in my eye." MKAYY. Everytime I have a haircut, I cry. Okay maybe it's not much of a secret but whoever's reading this better not tell. You might call me a baby but that's what I do everytime I get a haircut. I cry in front of the barber, I cry in front of my mom, and most importantly I cry in front of people. Everyone just stares at me and it's really embarrassing. But surprisingly this time I didn't cry because my haircut turned out pretty good. Wish me luck for the haircut next week. =P


avalanche20 said...

LOL HAHA Look forward to seeing ya then...

MEEE said...

there's no difference... it looks the same and feels the same

avalanche20 said...

wow...some cut that must have been. what, like, 2 seconds? BZZZZT all done

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