
Sunday, October 24, 2010


     NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. DUN SHOOT ME GRANDPAAAAAA!!! Me and my grandpa were playing dart tag today. Yup me and my grandpa. He was pretty good at shooting me. You might be surprised that my grandpa was jumping around shooting me but he's 65. Pretty young eh? He was chasing me around the house and I got shot everywhere. Yea EVERYWHERE. He had a strong gun so it REALLY stung if you get hit. At the end of all the shooting and laughing I won by pinning him down and with a gun pointed at him JAMES BOND STYLE BABY!!!! I lost darts everywhere though and since my grandpa felt responsible for what happened he offered to buy me some darts. Whattta nice guy don't you think? LETS GO FOR ANOTHER ROUND!


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