
Monday, October 18, 2010


     OHH NOOOSSS. I GOT A SOCIALS MAP DUE TOMORROW AND I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED YETTTT. OHHHHHH NOOOOOOSSSSS. I can't believe I didn't at least start it yesterday but I was playing games with my friend and I gotta admit it was way better than searching through an atlas the whole night. I don't even think I have time. I have so much homework that my grandparents are tempted to cancel Chinese school for me. Even though I hate Chinese dearly I really wanna be with my friends there. I should really concentrate on my homework but I can't. I get easily distracted and when I'm on my computer for blogs. People talk to me on facebook, msn, etc. and I just start playing games with them and I forget totally about my homework. I GOTTA LEARN HOW TO CONTROL MYSELFFFF. I NEED HELPPPPPPPPPPP.


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