
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Another Day

     It was another great day with great weather. The day started with the usual Takewondo lesson on a usual Saturday. We practised some kicks and did cool flying kicks. We broke some boards and off we go back home to study for my usual Chinese dictation. It was another usual day for me. Until it got to the afternoon. I found a few elementary friends at Richmond Centre surprisingly and decided to hang out for an hour or two. We watched a movie like we did over the summer and had a lot of fun. It brought back a lot of great memories. I really miss my friends. We promised each other that we'll be friends until the end when we were little and we'll always be.


avalanche20 said...

Hey, I didn't know you did taekwondo.

MEEE said...

Really? I'm black belt lvl 2

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