
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Election for Student Rep

     Today were the elections for student rep. Everyone would have their own speeches and tell the reasons why people should vote for them. The speeches happened at lunch time where people who wanted to hear the speeches would go to the auditorium. There were four people running. Two people that I thought was for sure to win was Kevin Dhir and Cynthia Ho. Mostly because they were friends but also because their speeches stood out. I voted for Kevin, Cynthia, and Robin. We also got our go-cards today and I finally found out how my picture turned out. It wasn't what I expected at all. My eyes were too wide and it looked as if I were cross-eyed. I planned on retakes so I don't look like a goof in the yearbook. All my friends laughed when they saw my picture and made me greatly embarrassed. I swore never to let anyone see my picture on my go-card.


avalanche20 said...

Yeah right. I don't remember anyone laughing at all. And even if they did, I didn't

KatnissEverdeen said...

when i did my speech, the mic spazzed. im surprised anyone heard it :S

KevinD said...

thanks for voting me :)

MEEE said...

Gabe: Zoey, my friend, took my card and told everyone i look like a terroist.
Cynthia: Good job on ur speech u too Kevin

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