
Monday, September 27, 2010

A Present

     Today was Professional Day and the whole day was for our taking. We decided to go to Richmond and shop. My parents took today off so we could spend our day together as a family. I told my parents a long time ago when I ten or eleven that I wanted a phone and everytime their answer would be a no. I begged them for years and today they finally think I have enough responsibility to have one. I was so excited! What kind of phone am I going to buy? I was thinking of a Blackberry or an iPhone 4G. We went store to store asking about the student plans and what phone they suggested. At last I decided that I was going for Rogers and my choice for a phone would be an iPhone. The problem was that they were all sold out. Some places didn't even have waiting lists. It was first come first serve. I know you're thinking right now that I should go to Apple but the prices there were too expensive. It was 700 dollars for a 32GB while it was 300 dollars elsewhere. Finally I got to Lansdowne Centre where I found a store finally with iPhones in stock! The catch was that it was for Telus. My parents knew I was really eager to get it right away so they were nice enough to buy it right away. I said thank you and gave them both a hug and a kiss. I'm really lucky to have such great parents.


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