
Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Start of Student Trivia

     Today in Socials we headed to the computer lab where we would start our student trivia and discuss topics on Mr. Sale's website. When I first got on I headed to Mr. Sale's weekly trivia. It was a little easier then I expected but then when I got to student trivia, it got extreme. The people in the class answered it really quick and there was a huge commotion about who was who since we had weird usernames. Some computers were slow so it was hard to type and sometimes the website won't work. The website won't update itself so you have to keep refreshing the page in order to keep up with what's happening. Somtimes when I refresh once, a few questions have already gone by so it's kind of frustrating. The person that answered most of the questions has the username of Flying Pigs. I got a few answers correct and made some questions but the quickness of how Flying Pigs answer the questions is just insane! I'm jealous!!!


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