Sunday, October 31, 2010
WHAT ARE U GONNA DO FOR HALLOWEEN? WELL I'M GONNA HOLD A PARTY AT MY HOUSEE. IT'S GONNA BE PERFECT. I bet you guys are probably all out trick or treating. I was planning to too, so we could make the youtube video we were planning but I didn't think my parents would let me go house to house in the dark asking people for candy. Plus we needed someone's house that we knew and trick or treat from and shoot the video there. We thought about going to Jason's house and have his little brother open the door and yell for his mom but his little brother was still too young. Roy lived in an apartment so that wouldn't really work. My house wouldn't work either cause my parents were really strict. Have fun trick or treating and HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEEEEN.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Poppy Drive
I'm in this group called St. Johns Ambulance and it's basically like air cadets or cubs. We have meetings every Friday and we learn about first aid. You can sign up for duties and get duty hours. I decided to get some duty hours by doing the poppy drive. We basically stand out in the streets and give people poppies by donation. I didn't get much donations though. I got about $20 but I guess that was still pretty nice. It seemed like the smallest kids got the most customers. I wish I was really really short so I'd be mobbed by people for poppies but I guess being short has its disadvantages too. I did see all sorts of people walk by. Mostly old adults donated. My friend got a $20 bill from one guy and I was just amazed. My friend wasn't small either. Okay so maybe it wasn't all about age. We stood in the streets of Kerrisdale for like 2 hours. It was tiring but at least I got cookies and hot chocolate after. =)
Friday, October 29, 2010
Other dance?? We just had one yesterday night. I guess this one was different. There were people surrounding this group of people who were dancing like crazy. I only got to see it near the end so I didn't really know what was happening. I just saw a bunch of people jumping around and I could barely hear the people around me.
More people dressed up than I expected. It was pretty cool. There were a bunch of guys dressed as U.S. presidents and it was awesome!!! There were some really great costumes in the school. I was really impressed with the teachers' costumes. They were pretty realistic for example one of the teacher had a Miss Texas costume and it was amazing.
ALL MY FRIENDS WENT TO WATERMANIA TODAY. Everyone seemed like to be missing and I didn't know they had Watermanis so I went around the school trying to find them. Well at least I got some exercise. =P
More people dressed up than I expected. It was pretty cool. There were a bunch of guys dressed as U.S. presidents and it was awesome!!! There were some really great costumes in the school. I was really impressed with the teachers' costumes. They were pretty realistic for example one of the teacher had a Miss Texas costume and it was amazing.
ALL MY FRIENDS WENT TO WATERMANIA TODAY. Everyone seemed like to be missing and I didn't know they had Watermanis so I went around the school trying to find them. Well at least I got some exercise. =P
Thursday, October 28, 2010
OMGGGGG. TONIGHT'S LEFT FOR DANCE!!!! Unfortunately I couldn't go. My perents specificly told me that I'm not allowed to go to dances at night. They're scared I might get into drugs or something. I told them a million times there's no druggies in our school but they wouldn't listen. I asked someone to the dance already and the accepted and if you're reading this right now, I'M SO SORRYYY. I'll dance with you at school or something. OMG I REALLY WANNA GOOOOO. Ugh. I'm so depressed right now. Everyone would be dancing and laughing their heads off while I stay at home and annoy my dog. OMG NOTHING TO DO!!!!!! I hope the people going bring me a glowstick for a souvenir!!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
YAYYYYYYY IT'S SUNNY!!!! It was gloomy this morning but I guess Mr. Sun got tired of sleeping and came out. It was beautiful during noon. It was a clear blue sky from then on. I dreamed of weather like that this week and I hope we get more of this weather. I BOUGHT SUSHI TODAY. IT WAS YUMMY. It costs too much though. It's like 3.75 for just like 6 pieces of sushi. RIPOFF. It beats a sandwich everyday that's for sure. Today me, Jason, and Roy were making this contest thing where you have to do something to win. The first contest was to get slapped by a girl not in the face. I won. THANKS CYNTHIAAAAA. The next contest was to get slapped by a girl in the face. Jason won. We were also planning to trick or treat and record a video and post it on youtube or facebook. We were trying to think of something funny. Jason made me and Roy fall down laughing. He was kneeling down onto his shoes and it made him look really short. Roy took a picture of him on his phone. It was so funny. It was believable too! He was like trying to walk and it really worked! We recorded a video of him trying to walk and it was hilarious. Keep an eye out for our youtube video. We're gonna become YOUTUBE STARSSSSS.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
OMG I LUV BUBBLE TEAAAAAA. This time I had my friend to help me line up so I could get there super early. Mango bubble tea was always sold out first. I LOVED MANGO BUBBLE TEA. It's like the best flavour there is. Everytime I try for bubble tea I end up with lycee which is okay. MANGO WAS DELICOUSSSSSSS. I'm definitely back next week for more.
UGH ANOTHER RAINY DAYYY. It makes me sad right away even though I had my cup of bubble tea today. The ground was wet and surprising today we didn't go outside for gym. We just went into the new gym and did our usual warm and played a game of Octopus. We had our usual game of handball AND I SCORED 3 GOALSS. When I walked home the ground was all wet and cloudy after the rain. Today was a gloomy day.
UGH ANOTHER RAINY DAYYY. It makes me sad right away even though I had my cup of bubble tea today. The ground was wet and surprising today we didn't go outside for gym. We just went into the new gym and did our usual warm and played a game of Octopus. We had our usual game of handball AND I SCORED 3 GOALSS. When I walked home the ground was all wet and cloudy after the rain. Today was a gloomy day.
Monday, October 25, 2010
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! RAIN DON'T COME TO VANCOUVER!!!!!!!!! UGHHH WHYYYYY. I hate rainy days. Number one: I walk to school. Number two: I usually wear hoodies. I know you're probably telling me that a waterproof jacket would be a smart choice but I grew out of all my waterproof stuff and I don't have time to buy new jackets. Plus hoodies are cooler. I don't like getting wet!!!!!! It makes my hoodie smell. I LIKE MY HOODIEE!! I gotta wash it tonight though so I'm back to my green hoodie. Yea I have a million hoodies of each and every color. =) I hope there's sunshine tomorrow because I have gym. If it rains, I'm gonna smell during class. =S WISH ME LUCKKKK. =PPPP HOLLISTER HOODIES PWNNN ALLLLLL.
Here is a song I made about rain and sunshine in about four seconds.
Pretty good eh?? I could be on American Idol.
Toasty BaconBadger's new album, " The Burnt Album" will be released worldwide in 2059. Pre-order it NOWWW.
Here is a song I made about rain and sunshine in about four seconds.
Pretty good eh?? I could be on American Idol.
Toasty BaconBadger's new album, " The Burnt Album" will be released worldwide in 2059. Pre-order it NOWWW.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. DUN SHOOT ME GRANDPAAAAAA!!! Me and my grandpa were playing dart tag today. Yup me and my grandpa. He was pretty good at shooting me. You might be surprised that my grandpa was jumping around shooting me but he's 65. Pretty young eh? He was chasing me around the house and I got shot everywhere. Yea EVERYWHERE. He had a strong gun so it REALLY stung if you get hit. At the end of all the shooting and laughing I won by pinning him down and with a gun pointed at him JAMES BOND STYLE BABY!!!! I lost darts everywhere though and since my grandpa felt responsible for what happened he offered to buy me some darts. Whattta nice guy don't you think? LETS GO FOR ANOTHER ROUND!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
My hair is the same as before...
OMGGG I LUV MY HAIRCUT RIGHT NOWW!!! Unfortunately, my parents have to ruin it by saying I'll get a haircut next week. My dad and my mom were yelling to me that my hair was the same as before. I was really impressed with my usual barber for the first time. Seeing how great he does pleases me. This is a secret and you have to promise not to tell anyone. Repeat after me. "Cross my heart and hope to die. Poke a needle in my eye." MKAYY. Everytime I have a haircut, I cry. Okay maybe it's not much of a secret but whoever's reading this better not tell. You might call me a baby but that's what I do everytime I get a haircut. I cry in front of the barber, I cry in front of my mom, and most importantly I cry in front of people. Everyone just stares at me and it's really embarrassing. But surprisingly this time I didn't cry because my haircut turned out pretty good. Wish me luck for the haircut next week. =P
Friday, October 22, 2010
AWW MOMMM DO I HAVE TO HAVE A HAIRCUT???? Yup you guessed it. My mom thought it'd be a good idea for me to have a haircut during Pro-D. I tried to talk her out of it but she was really good at convincing people. She bribed me and I was stupid enough to accept. Haircuts are horrible. My mom would ask the barber to cut my hair really short. I end up bald after the whole process. It scares me everytime. This time though it was gonna be different! I begged and cried for my mom to ask the barber just to trim a little of my hair. I never had a haircut I liked and I really hope it ends up okay for this one. I was nervous when I walked into the barber shop. The barber came towards me laughing menacingly. He made me sit down and he took out his horrible scissors. He was moving my head to the correct position. When he was about to touch my hair with his cold and sharp scissors, my mom saved me by asking the barber to just trim a little. The evil barber looked disappointed. He knew he had to obey my mom but he also wanted to shave me bald. I knew I won this round but the longer my hair is, the more often I have to go for a haircut so did I really win?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Show Math
Today during first period, we went down to the auditorium for a presentation called show math. It wasn't the best presentation I've seen. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I could've fell asleep. Some of the stuff didn't even make sense to me. It was kinda weird the way it was. Some of the jokes that they made, made me smile but some of them were pretty lame. I gotta admit, going to class was better than that presentation but it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I learnt a lot about math and interesting facts about pie. It turned out that numbers had their own alphabet. I was really amazed. You could actually spell words with numbers! Even though the presentation was a little bit boring, it was educational and it taught me a lot.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
YAAYAYAYYAAYYAYAYAY. It's a trip to Granville Island today for the Writer's Festival. I was sooo excited. I know we would see writers but I was more excited for the fact that you get 2 hours of free time during lunch. SO MUCH FREEDOM!!! You could do anything you wanted. We decided to buy lunch at the market there. After lunch we thought about going to the toy market there. On our way there, we found a playground filled with little kids playing. We all went on some slides and it made me feel like a 6 year-old again. We did meet writers like Kenneth Oppel and he was a pretty cool dude. We had two seperate presentations. One in the morning before lunch and one after lunch. Some people in our class actually managed to sleep through one of them. I gotta admit they were kinda boring but still... It would be rude to sleep so I held on and survived. The bubble tea at Granville's delicious. You have to try it out if you ever get a chance.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
WOOOOTTTT!!!!! I'm still cheering for the stories the man that came to our school told us. He has faced so many things in life. He's been through fights, been through bullying, and been through discrimination. He's even been through a desk exploding right in front of him. After hearing all those stories, he was like a hero to me. He had a good sense of humor and made the bad experiences he had seem less painful. I think he handled things the way he did really well. His friends though were jerks. He had enough trust in them to tell his friends that he was gay but his friends just told everyone in the school. The teachers were jerks too. If a child was in trouble then they should try to understand what was happening and help. Instead, the teacher just told him to suck it up or say "ohhh these things happen all the time". I know this sounds kinda cheesy but I'll be strong like him and when I get knocked down, I'll stand back up everytime no matter what.
Monday, October 18, 2010
OHH NOOOSSS. I GOT A SOCIALS MAP DUE TOMORROW AND I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED YETTTT. OHHHHHH NOOOOOOSSSSS. I can't believe I didn't at least start it yesterday but I was playing games with my friend and I gotta admit it was way better than searching through an atlas the whole night. I don't even think I have time. I have so much homework that my grandparents are tempted to cancel Chinese school for me. Even though I hate Chinese dearly I really wanna be with my friends there. I should really concentrate on my homework but I can't. I get easily distracted and when I'm on my computer for blogs. People talk to me on facebook, msn, etc. and I just start playing games with them and I forget totally about my homework. I GOTTA LEARN HOW TO CONTROL MYSELFFFF. I NEED HELPPPPPPPPPPP.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Economy Skycouch
Everytime you get on an airplane in economy class don't you just want to lie down and sleep? Well it's a dream come true! Air New Zealand introduced the new Skycouch for enconomy class. It's basically a trio of economy seats that have footrests that could be pulled up to connect with the seat creating a large flat surface. With the footrest connected, the seats are roughly about a twin sized bed. Unfornuately it's only for selected services to or from London via L.A. for new 777-300 aircrafts. Every seat comes with a pillow, a cup holder, a trinket tray, and a winged headrest. I really hope all aircrafts and airlines would start using the economy skycoach so I could have a more pleasant ride wherever I go.

Saturday, October 16, 2010
A Failure
Another Saturday means another day of Chinese school. I know I'm Chinese and but I'm really bad at it. We had about 2 tests already and so far I already failed one. There are about 10 tests in a term. I'm doing pretty bad. I got 76 for one test and 22 for another. I know you think I should try studying harder but I got too much schoolwork and the only time for me to study is on Saturdays. I can speak Chinese really well though mostly because my parents force to to speak Chinese at home. My Chinese school friends aren't any better either. One of my friends actually got a 0. I didn't even know it was possible!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Today for P.E. we had another lesson of handball. I prefer field hockey more but handball wasn't bad either. We had lots of fun shooting and passing but there were some problems about uneven teams and who would be goalie. After switching players I turned out to be the goalie and at one point I slid across the gym floor and I scrapped my knee. I didn't notice until the gym period was over because I felt my knee stinging. It turned out to be bleeding with the skin all gone. It really stung because there were little pieces of rock stuck in deep and I couldn't get them out. Next time I'll think twice before I slide on the floor.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
A Sub For French! Win For Churchill! Fake Info?
Today for French we had a sub. Her name was Mrs. Boyle and she was extremely nice. One by one people walked in and one by one people were excited and happy after seeing the sub. She made everything clear and understandable and it was just a really great class. I could get use to her for my usual French teacher.
After school today there was a volleyball game at Churchill. The was our actual first win!!!!! I definitely want to see the game between Churchill and Hamber.
Today for English we went down to the library and Mrs. Anderson talked to us about fake info on the internet and about Wikipedia being a unreliable source. She gave us a website and we would have to answer these questions. It was about Bermense Mountain Dogs not Bernese but Bermense. It fooled me completely! It was really realistic with the way it was presented. There were pictures of these dogs that looked like German Shepherds and it stated on the website that most people confuse them of German Shepherds. That made me believe completely that the picture was an actual Bermense Mountain Dog. It also had all the information about the Bermense Mountain Dog. At the bottom it said that it was by Dr. Smith White. There were also links more about these dogs and one of the links were... Amazon? There was also a link to encyclopedias but when I clicked it it was just the home page. I got suspicious so I search Dr. Smith White up. The problem was there were too much Dr. Smith Whites. The URL for the website was also really weird. It was pretty hard deciding if it was a fake or not. What would you believe?
After school today there was a volleyball game at Churchill. The was our actual first win!!!!! I definitely want to see the game between Churchill and Hamber.
Today for English we went down to the library and Mrs. Anderson talked to us about fake info on the internet and about Wikipedia being a unreliable source. She gave us a website and we would have to answer these questions. It was about Bermense Mountain Dogs not Bernese but Bermense. It fooled me completely! It was really realistic with the way it was presented. There were pictures of these dogs that looked like German Shepherds and it stated on the website that most people confuse them of German Shepherds. That made me believe completely that the picture was an actual Bermense Mountain Dog. It also had all the information about the Bermense Mountain Dog. At the bottom it said that it was by Dr. Smith White. There were also links more about these dogs and one of the links were... Amazon? There was also a link to encyclopedias but when I clicked it it was just the home page. I got suspicious so I search Dr. Smith White up. The problem was there were too much Dr. Smith Whites. The URL for the website was also really weird. It was pretty hard deciding if it was a fake or not. What would you believe?
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
YAY!!!!!!! IT'S COLLAB AGAIN!!! Another perfect day of sleep and games. School started at 10: 17 a.m. again but some people were still tired including me. I slept all the way to 9:30 but I was going to wake up at 8:00 for some early game playing or something just as simple as watching TV. I guess I was a little tired because last night I was doing numerous piles of homework. In other news, we got our science project proposals back. Out of the class of 30 only 8 people got approved. Unfornuately I got disapproved along with the other 21 people. I got 21.5 out of 30 and most people that got above the 20s would get approved but I guess it counted on what idea too. The teacher did say I was really close so I guess I still have hope!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Surfing the Internet
Today I was looking at news on the internet when I saw this article about a 4 to 5 year old kid that called 911 400 times. He didn't know what he was doing and was just playing around. His mother told him not to dial but he didn't listen. The 4 year old kid held up all the 911 services for hours during the Thanksgiving weekend. His mother could be heard in the background asking the child if he wanted more pie. I was really surprised that at the end of all that trouble the kid's parents didn't get a fine of some sort. I felt kind of sorry for all the people who called 911 that day and was asked to wait.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Today was Thanksgiving and I was holding a party at my house! I invited everyone from elementary and surprisingly all of them came! Some of their parents also joined in with the fun and tagged along. Most of the parents were upstairs having a conversation while all the kids were downstairs either breaking some of my stuff or playing with some of my stuff. Every year we would play a big game of hide n'seek. We would convert it in some way though. Last year I told everyone who was coming to try to bring their NDS where you could have a chat using wifi kind of like texting on a phone. The people that were hiding could talk on the chat while they hide. That didn't really work out because the NDS screen would give off a bright light that could be seen easily by the person who was trying to find us. This year we wanted to trying something a bit more adventurous. We decided to add Nerf guns to it. Hide n'seek soon turned into shoot n'tag. You basicly know what to do just reading the name of the game. We had a lot of fun and I decided to hold another party on Christmas. I can't wait for hide n'seek Christmas style.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
A Trip To Kamloops
Today I had to wake up at 6:00 a.m. just to be time for the trip to see the salmon in Kamloops. We got there at about 11:00 p.m. and surprising there was no rain. The weather forecast said that today would be raining but I guess they were wrong. There were a whole lot of salmon everywhere and a lot of people got there earlier than us. There were a lot of tours there too. We took a lot of great pictures and also saw a lot of dead fish that turned white. Turns out that fishes that laid their eggs would live a few more minutes then die. There were a clump of fishes that died together and it was really disgusting. I felt kind of sorry for all the fishes. It was horrifying watching them die in front of you but I guess the cycle of life just has to go on.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Big Trip Tomorrow
Finally the Sunday I've been waiting for has come! This Sunday we were going to go to Kamloops to see the sockeye salmon come back from the rivers and lakes and have their babies born. There were going to be a bunch since some salmon that were lost last year we coming back this year. Tomorrow we would have to wake up super early so we could go and get back in time for my homework and do my usual blog. It took approximately four and a half hours to get there and the same amount of time back. I really needed to get back in time to finish my homework. I was a little worried about tomorrow but I'm not going to let that ruin my fun!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Nothing To Do
Today was Pro-D for all the schools in Vancouver and Richmond. I know you get a day away from school but there wasn't anything to do. I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually want to go to school and see all my friends but at least I get to sleep in for once. The only special thing I did today was just eat dimsum for breakfast at this fancy chinese restaurant. After that I went back home to do some of my tutor homework. There wasn't really anything special to do because it was a rainy day. I decided to catch up on my sleeping. I slept through the whole afternoon. I don't think I could sleep tonight.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The WaterSlide
Today was the waterslide in Churchill and it was filled with people from every grade. The slide was basicly some long plastic pieces with water and soap added onto. When the water and soap was added and the first line of people were sliding down, it was pretty slippery. You would go really fast down and it would be really fun. Then after a few minutes or so the soap started to disappear but there were still plentiful of water. It wasn't really slippery anymore and the some dirt from the ground got on the water. Soon the water got muddy but there were still a whole bunch of people sliding down. I didn't know how the people were going to get changed in time for their next class. If I had free period after lunch then I would definitely have fun sliding but I didn't and I had no other change of clothes. Guess I have to wait till next year!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Field Trip
Today was the day of the Playhouse field trip. I was really excited to go to watch the Fantasticks. There were different versions of the play and this play was the movie version. It was almost exactly the same. They added some more jokes and made it funnier but the storyline and the events were the same. We got there by bus and with a class of thirty people added in it was really full. Fornuately, more and more people left after we came in. We were the first ones there and made ourselves comfortable right away. The play was about 2 hours including the intermission. After the play was over, the teacher asked who could go home from here with their parents' permission. Me and Jason went to the nearest skytrain station and expected us to be at school before them but turns out we were on the same train. They were just farther down. We should've just followed the class but I guess it wasn't the same.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Where's the volleyball game?
Today was the day where Churchill would go against Magee in Junior Girl's Vollyball. Me and my friends were rooting for Churchill but we didn't think we would be going to the game. When me and my friend walked home we decided that maybe we really should watch the game. The problem was that we didn't know where it was so we headed for Hamber. It took like 30 minutes to walk from Churchill to Hamber and turns out there was no volleyball game there. It turns out the volleyball game was at Magee. The game had already been through halfway. There was not enough time to walk all the way to Magee and still watch the game so we decided to just call it off. We wasted 2 hours just from walking and finding the volleyball game. I could've been at home working on my Science project. Next time I'll remember to know for sure where a game is before I actually think about going.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Club's Day
Today was Club's Day at Churchill and boy were there a lot of clubs! I expected the stands and tables to be inside the gym so we won't have to go outside to the rain and wind. I really wanted to join the dissection club but the meetings were all in the morning at 7:00 a.m. I didn't know how I would make it in time because I wake up at 7:40 a.m. I looked at all the other clubs like the bike club, leadership club, and the music club. There were a lot of people so it was really hard to get pass and through. Sometimes we would just get squished there and not move. The dissection club was all the way near the back too. There was a huge number of people signing up. I think that the dissection club had the most people signing up. The club with the least people would be the invisible club if it even was a club or the chess club maybe because it was all the way at the very end. You couldn't even notice that there was a club back there. I wish that the meetings would be at lunch because there's really much to do at that time.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Homework Sunday
So much homework today! I don't even know where to start. I have a Science project proposal due in four days. I have a English paragraph due on Wednesday. I have some French homework due tomorrow. There was a lot of work to do. The biggest thing was the Science project proposal. I really wanted to do a good job and it only seemed like yesterday that the teacher said that the proposal will be due two weeks from now and already one and a half weeks passed. I don't know how I'm going to pull this off. I don't even have the topic figured out yet. I planned to do something mechanics related because it's a topic that sounds like fun. You get to build and observe how well it works. I'm really curious in how this'll turn out for me. The Science project is bad news but the English fieldtrip this Wednesday makes up for it all.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Another Day
It was another great day with great weather. The day started with the usual Takewondo lesson on a usual Saturday. We practised some kicks and did cool flying kicks. We broke some boards and off we go back home to study for my usual Chinese dictation. It was another usual day for me. Until it got to the afternoon. I found a few elementary friends at Richmond Centre surprisingly and decided to hang out for an hour or two. We watched a movie like we did over the summer and had a lot of fun. It brought back a lot of great memories. I really miss my friends. We promised each other that we'll be friends until the end when we were little and we'll always be.
Friday, October 1, 2010
6-Lap Run For Gym
Today was finally the day for the 6-lap run! Everyone was really excited to sprint their legs off and surprisingly so was I. When I did the Langara run, I had a sprained ankle so I couldn't do much. I have to say I wasn't the fastest runner. If I had more stamina then I could do better but low stamina was one of my weak points. I really didn't expect much from myself. I decided to give it all my all on the first lap then sprint all the others. I got exactly 2 minutes for the first lap and I was exhausted already. My lungs were really hurting but I couldn't give up. The other laps were a pain. It was a really hot day and I was sweating bullets. I finished with the time of 17:25. It was pretty good for me since I got 25:25 for the Langara run and the Langara run was 7 laps. I guess I was faster. I wouldn't have changed anything I've done.
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